Interview with Plattershare – a popular social media for home chefs, food bloggers and food professionals

I am happy to share my interview with Plattershare – an evergrowing community for home chefs, food bloggers and professionals…
“Inspired by Tarla Dalal, in her college days, Charu started her culinary journey with few simple recipes. Sometimes a passion is lost midst the corporate job responsibilities but the desire to follow her heart kept burning and eventually in 2009 she left her well paid bank job to calculate the ingredients and multiply her skill and thus was born Charu’s Cuisine. As said it’s never too late to start off and a thousand miles journey starts with a single step, Charu got inspired by her mother-in-law and started learning big and small bytes of cooking.
Sometimes it’s good to say “I Quit” and that’s what Charu did as she started experimenting with food which she always longed for. She was mainly inspired by her mom, mom-in-law and professional chefs and never hesitated to look various sites for developing her culinary skill.
Since she is from a traditional Kannada Madhwa family, she wanted to preserve the lost and traditional recipes which would be used as the reference for posterity. She started posting and preserving these recipes with her blog and got a tremendous response from the viewer’s requesting to upload more such traditional recipes.
Soon what emerged as a hobby became the purpose of her life and there has been no looking back since then. She has more than 300 vegetarian recipes posted till date.
She is greatly inspired by Sanjeev Kapoor, Tarla Dalal and Sanjay Thumma of Vah re Vah recipes and makes awesome Karnataka dishes like Udipi sambar (recipe link), Udupi rasam(recipe Link) and mallige idli.(Recipe Link)
When asked does she feel the pressure of making new dishes every day? She says “Not at all. I enjoy trying out new as well as traditional dishes and sharing it out with the world”
She is currently staying in Mangalore and loves to host family and friends. The humble journey which begin with making a Maharastrian style poha during her 1st year in college and the same was appreciated by her family has a great story of cuisine discovery.
She equally loves North Indian and South Indian cuisine. Since she is a true foodie, it is very difficult for her to choose any one as her favorite. Even though she has a huge fan following of 25K on FB she loves to eat majjiga palidha (South Indian Kadhi) and gojju (tamarind based curry) prepared by her mom and wheat halwa prepared by her mother-in-law.
Check out her favorite recipes udupi sambar, udupi rasam or mallige idli.
If you have a yummilious foodie story like Charu and would like to share it with the world. Do write it to us and we would select the best story as “Foodie of the month” and publish it on Plattershare.”
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